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Smart greenhouses are an effective way to monitor your plants

Some believe that technological advancements are taking over the world. Changing tried and true methods of how we’re used to doing things and replacing them with machines and robots that think almost like we do.

Even the horticultural industry is not immune to such technological progress.

Enter the world of smart greenhouses. This revolutionary idea in agriculture and horticulture creates what some have called a “self-regulating microclimate” designed to help increase yield efficiencies and save you time.

Growers are well aware of how stressful and challenging it can be to create and maintain the most ideal growing environment in a greenhouse.

What about during the off season when you’re not in the greenhouse as frequently or if you find yourself traveling over the course of a few hours, which is enough time to spell disaster for your crops if something should change.

Smart greenhouses help take some of that stress off a grower’s shoulders by continuously monitoring and alerting you of changes in:

Sensaphone®, a leader in remote monitoring solutions for a wide spectrum of industries including the Greenhouse industry, says, “You can identify patterns and trends in environmental conditions and get insight into larger issues that can prevent problems before they arise. The system automatically records tens of thousands of data points, dates and times that you can view, graph and print. Whether you are on-site or off-site, a greenhouse monitoring system ensures you are always aware of the critical conditions that threaten your property and plant inventory.”

Bill Gates once said, “The advance of technology is based on making it fit in so that you don’t really even notice it, so it’s part of everyday life.”

As labor shortages continue to threaten the industry, smart greenhouses might soon become part of everyday life. Allowing growers to monitor their greenhouse environment more efficiently.

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