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What Gardeners Will be Doing in 2022 is a Familiar Story

What gardeners will be doing in 2022

Axiom – a market strategy consulting company – recently released its annual gardening insight survey about what gardeners will be doing in 2022.

Announced at the True Value Home and Garden Show Place Reunion in late September, it seems the benefits of gardening are being utilized as more than just a hobby to occupy one’s time.

The survey found that 62% of respondents plan to plant more in 2022. That number is even higher for millennials, with 76% planning to expand their gardening efforts.

A little over 30% of respondents plan to plant just what they did in 2021.

While some reasons for the increased popularity of gardening include being out in nature and enjoying fresh fruits and vegetables, as we enter 2022, a more profound reason is driving the gardening trend, according to the survey – health and wellness.

WebMD states that “‌Gardening can improve many aspects of mental health, focus, and concentration while improving one’s mood. Gardening can make you feel more peaceful and content. Focusing your attention on the immediate tasks and details of gardening can reduce negative thoughts and feelings and can make you feel better in the moment. Just spending time around plants eases stress for many people.”

With continual uncertainties looming over society, it’s no surprise that so many individuals are searching for a non-medicated method to combat life’s stressors.

Spending more time with family while creating a sense of home was the second most popular response to the continual popularity of gardening.

Here is some additional information on what gardeners will be doing in 2022.

The popularity of gardening shows no signs of slowing down in 2022 as it shifts from pandemic hobby to health and wellness proponent. Wholesale planters will again be in high demand so make sure you reach out to your HC representative early.

For more on what gardeners will be doing in 2022, click here.

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