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Molded Pulp is a Sustainable Alternative in Countless Applications

In a recent study, 88% of respondents demanded companies provide more sustainable product offerings. That’s an incredibly high number, which suddenly makes the benefits of molded pulp more of a reality in many businesses and industries across the globe.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), “Sustainability is based on a simple principle: Everything that we need for our survival and well-being depends, either directly or indirectly, on our natural environment. To pursue sustainability is to create and maintain the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony to support present and future generations.”

In short, it’s all about satisfying the needs of the present without adversely affecting the future.

So, just what is molded pulp and why should you consider it in your business operations?

Molded pulp is a material typically made from recycled paperboard and/or newsprint and is a sustainable alternative to polystyrene (EPS), vacuum formed PET and PVC and foams.

Moreover, it is “often considered a sustainable material” as defined by the Sustainable Packaging Coalition, since it is produced from recycled materials and can be recycled again after its useful life-cycle ends.

Molded pulp is an eco-friendly solution with impactful benefits to the environment.

  1. There’s no recycling required – it will harmlessly break down in the soil in less than a year.
  2. It’s great for the environment – no more clogging up landfills or harming wildlife in the ocean.
  3. It’s truly sustainable – if properly created, it’s manufactured in a closed-loop water recycling facility to eliminate waste and save on energy emissions.

Molded pulp is created by mixing recycled paperboard or newsprint, water, a fungicide to help prevent any mold issues and a binding agent in a giant caldron to produce the fiber slurry needed to shape the molded pulp products.

Molds are then used to help re-form the fiber slurry mixture into a variety of shapes, sizes and applications such as growing containers, hanging baskets, protective packaging, consumer products and more.

Large ovens finish off the process, adding strength and durability by making sure the newly created products are fully dried and ready for packaging to your location.

There are few limitations when it comes to molded pulp and how it can be effectively shaped, sized and utilized in manufacturing and consumer applications.

Molded pulp is a sustainable alternative you should consider to not only satisfy consumer demands, but also to do your part to help decrease waste in landfills and oceans.

Interested in solutions?

Discover our full line of sustainable product offerings created using our scientifically formulated fiber slurry mixtures.

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