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Keep marketing to customers even in the winter months

Many areas across the country have already seen their first snowfall.

Autumnal décor is being replaced on store shelves with decorations for the Christmas holiday season.

And all things “green” have already begun their slumber into dormancy until the spring.

The end of the year is quickly approaching and winter’s arrival on December 21 is much closer than you might think.

For nurseries and garden centers, winter’s arrival often means that sales are dropping about as low as the temperatures outside.

With landscapes no longer top-of-mind for homeowners and businesses, there doesn’t seem to be much value continuing to communicate with customers through email and social channels throughout the winter.

Though you might consider this a “time off” for your business – keep your marketing campaigns going. This is still a time to build trust and respect through relationship marketing.

According to Forbes.com, “Relationship marketing is a strategy designed to foster customer loyalty, interaction and long-term engagement. It is designed to develop strong connections with customers by providing them with information directly suited to their needs and interests and by promoting open communication.”

In today’s competitive marketplace, building relationships with your customers throughout the year is undoubtedly what will turn them into repeat customers. Here are a few content ideas to help build your relationship marketing efforts over the winter season.

Winter Maintenance Tips
Do you need to water trees, shrubs and plants during a mild winter? Should tree trunks be insulated? How should new plants be readied for the colder weather? These are just a few of the questions your customers will surely need answers to. Garden centers and nurseries have an incredible knowledge base – use it to educate your customers about timely information to help their landscapes thrive come the spring.

Landscape Planning Advice
The best time to plan for a garden renovation is during the winter months when you’ve got some more time on your hands. Provide customers with tools and templates to help them best prepare for their renovations, as well as advice on timing once the ground thaws. And don’t forget to mention all the products you have available to help their renovation go smoothly.

Planting Indoors
Your knowledge of plants goes well beyond just a home’s exterior. Your knowledge extends to the inside of the home as well, further reinforcing your standing as an industry expert for everything plant related. Create a step-by-step plan for families to create a container herb garden; recommend the best plants for optimum health and stress relief; suggest plants you can find all year long that make the perfect gift for birthdays and special occasions. Put your green thumb to work and use a little creativity to come up with even more indoor planting ideas.

While landscapes are no longer top-of-mind for homeowners and businesses during the winter months, your business still should be. Provide them with education and information to easily support your relationship marketing today.


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