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Fall temperatures – is it time to break out the winter coat?

“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.” – Albert Camus

According to The Old Farmer’s Almanac, the summer of 2018 is now tied with the summer of 1934 as being the fourth hottest on record in the United States.

For much of the nation, the arrival of fall has been a welcomed change from the unending heat much of the country experienced this year.

Fall arrived on Saturday, September 22, and yet much of the country still feels unseasonably warm as pumpkins and fall decorations adorn front porches with 80-degree temperatures.

But fear not, relief is on the way!

“According to our traditionally 80 percent–accurate weather forecasts, autumn temperatures in the U.S. will be cooler than normal in much of the Northeast, from the High Plains westward to the Pacific and in the Desert Southwest.” – The Old Farmer’s Almanac

As we head into the end of 2018, many often ask when we will see the first snowfall? Will trick-or-treaters around the country be covering up their clever costumes with winter coats and mittens? There’s a definite possibility.

“The Almanac’s forecast calls for a chance of snow before Halloween in the Northeast, Appalachians, Lower Lakes, Ohio Valley, Upper Midwest, High Plains, Intermountain and Pacific Northwest regions, as well as Alaska. Texas and Oklahoma should prepare for a very wet October, with heavy rains and thunderstorms predicted throughout much of the month.”

We didn’t forget about our friends in Canada.

“This past summer has been hot and dry throughout most of Canada. “Hot” will continue to define the forecast into the fall months except in Alberta and portions of British Columbia, where some relief will arrive in the form of cooling temperatures.”

Interestingly enough, Calgary just received an early winter snowstorm during the first week of October – plummeting Calgary International Airport with 12.9 inches of snow. It marks the heaviest single snowfall since 1981 and set a new October record.

While nothing is guaranteed when it comes to forecasting the weather (as is the case with the Calgary snowstorm), it’s important to understand what’s possible so homeowners, growers, nurseries and other businesses can prepare accordingly.



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