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Fiber Hanging Baskets Have Unexpected Durability

fiber hanging baskets

HC’s full line of sustainable growing containers includes a wide variety of fiber hanging baskets, ideal for pre-assembled baskets sold at garden centers and big-box stores. Additionally, with a timeless, earthy design, they add a unique visual flare to municipal lamp posts along main streets and common areas, backyards, and front porches.


HC’s fiber hanging baskets are produced using recycled newspaper and cardboard in our closed-loop manufacturing facility in Canada, which helps eliminate water waste throughout the production.


They’re incredibly strong and can withstand the continual weight of moist, heavy soil, which provides the durability necessary for growing and retail cycles.


HC’s fiber hanging baskets are available in two varieties – the standard FiberGrow® and FiberGrow® WaxTough.


How do FiberGrow® containers protect root systems?

The composition of their fiber slurry helps insulate root systems to protect plants in fluctuating temperatures while offering superior drainage and moisture retention. Additionally, fiber growing containers experience what is known as air pruning (also called self-pruning). When roots are exposed to air (combined with the absence of high humidity), roots essentially “burn” off, which causes the plant to continuously produce new, healthy roots.


Can FiberGrow® containers be recycled?

Yes, the standard FiberGrow container can be safely included with your local municipalities paper recycling program. However, the WaxTough version cannot be recycled.


When should FiberGrow® WaxTough containers be used?

Our WaxTough coating offers an aesthetically pleasing, rich, dark brown appearance to any of our FiberGrow® products. In addition, the coating provides enhanced durability and structural integrity, making it virtually impervious to moisture, which makes it ideal for hanging baskets suspended from lamp posts, awnings, or front porches.


How is the WaxTough coating applied?

The WaxTough coating is the last step in the production process and is applied with a spray mechanism for even coverage.


Click here to learn more about how and when to use HC’s fiber hanging baskets, or watch our informative video below.


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