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Nursery Containers

For more information contact
Bryan Hill
District Sales Manager

Automation Whitepaper

It is no secret the horticultural industry has struggled with labor issues both in terms of cost (minimum wage and associated benefit increases) and availability (immigration reform; lack of skilled workers). The ASHS says, “Mechanization of an operation can provide mechanical power, speed, repetition, safety and a greater potential for consistency and quality control.

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Here at HC, we’re proud to offer a full line of growing solutions designed with your unique growing needs in mind. Like our durable nursery containers, which are ideal for roses, trees, shrubs and conifers, as well as growers in the cannabis industry. Browse our full line of containers and request samples quickly and easily!

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Nursery Containers

Manufactured exclusively from nearly 100% recycled materials, our nursery containers are available in a variety of volumes, processing plastics and thicknesses. Many feature durable rims and specific designs for container handling and pot dispensing equipment. Additionally, our in-house printing department produces containers for some of the top national branded container programs in the industry. Proudly produced in the United States and ready for immediate shipping throughout North America.